Facebook page: Trinity Academy of Irish Dance
Celebrate the Trinity Irish dancers on our public page - share
with your family and friends!
Facebook group: Trinity Dance Family
A private group for current Trinity families to connect - new
program information and class updates that are emailed may also be shared here.
Facebook group: Trinity Dance Family Marketplace
Join for used shoes, costumes, and Trinity wear from your fellow Trinity families!
Facebook group: Trinity Academy of Irish Dance Alumni
Used to dance at Trinity and now you’re a Trinity parent? Join the Alumni group to connect with fellow alumni!
Instagram: @trinityirishdancers
Follow the Trinity Irish Dancers on Instagram and share with your friends!
The Trinity Ensemble program is for passionate and dedicated teenagers to pursue a performing arts education and strong leadership roles. Ensemble dancers - follow this account for info about auditions, rehearsals, and more. Not in Ensemble yet? Celebrate their journey here!